Eros Renzetti was born in Rome in 1965. He studied at the Istituto Statale d’Arte Goldsmith and jewelery Art and Set Design State Academy of Fine Arts in Rome. He is a student and assistant of Fabrizio Clerici and attended by eighty years, until his death, Leonor Fini. He takes part in the Sixth International Biennial of Cairo. His paintings represent male subjects of warriors, represented with luminescent colors, in static poses. These science fiction figures in profile, with aerodynamic helmets and bullfighting hills, inherit stretched and frontal eyes depicted them as the ancient Egyptians and Giotto. In 2011 he was invited to the Venice Biennale in the Arsenale. Two monographs have been written about his work; the last Eros Renzetti. It happened one day, Damiani publisher. Among his recent group, in 2015, it is present at the Expo Arte Contemporanea in Milan at Villa Bagatti Valsecchi in Varedo by Vittorio Sgarbi.